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The Witches at the Caldron
Lady Macbeth Ascending Staircase
Witches Entrance
Macbeth Dueling Macduff
Macbeth Hearing Witches Prophesies
Hecate Addressing Witches
Hecate Reprimanding Witches
The Death of Banquo
Fleance Escapes
Banquo Awakened
Witches in Wait for Macbeth
The Return of Banquo
Malcolm’s Forces Approach Castle
Malcolm’s Forces Approach Castle
Macduff’s Children Before the Massacre
Macbeth accuses Lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeth pleads with Macbeth
Macbeth sees Banquo Return
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Host the Banquet
Banquo Examines a Witch
Macbeth’s Homecoming
Witches Prophesize
Witches Prepare
Witches Around Caldron
Macduff Children Before Massacre