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Death Watches from Above
The Mother Fears for her Son
The Town is Talking
The Mother Advises the Bride to be True
The Bride Contemplates the Moon
The Moon Through the Bride’s Window
The Moon Through the Bride’s Window
Passion runs Through the Land
Corseted for the Wedding Dress
Corset Dance
Corset dance ewith Chorus
The Wife, The Child and her Mother
The Bride Sings to Leonardo’s Child
Leonardo Greets the Bride in front of the Groom
Something is Wrong at the Wedding
The Forest Moves in
The Forest Waits
The Forest Watches
Death Presides from on High
The Moon Comes Down
The Moon is Lonely
The Moon Approaches Death in the Forest
Death and the Fates
The Lovers Meet in the Forest
Death Advises the Groom
The Lovers are Caught
The Mother Threatens the Bride
The Memory
The Moon Drums the World